
St Michael and all Angels Church Marwood

St Michael & All Angels Church is located in Marwood. It is a listed building dating from the 12th century but predominantly 13th /14th century. There is also a small building (probably a remnant of the parish workhouse) adjoining the church and adjacent to the entrance gate known as the Lych Gate Room. The Church Hall is a few hundred yards along the lane.

The church appears to have been originally a Cross church of the first pointed style.

An extract from the Register of Walter de Stapleton, Bishop of Exeter 1307-26 Latin Translation as follows;
January 1st 1309. "At Marwood  the Lord Bishop ordered the Parishioners of Marwood Church under a penalty of £10 to enlarge their church within a year from the Feast of St. Michael so that whereas a certain part of the Parishioners are now during Divine Service excluded from the Church because of its narrow dimensions and want of room, they may for the future be able to enter and thus the Parishioners may together be able at the same time and in the same building hear the Services of the Church."

There are two chapels in the parish; the URC is in the hamlet of Muddiford and the Methodist in the hamlet of Prixford. We all share a monthly service. There is one housegroup that meets regularly. Church-run social events are well supported by members of the community who are not necessarily regular church goers. The annual summer holiday club which runs for a week in the summer holidays is always well supported

There is a community primary school with over 100 children and a fairly new community hall on the school site. The Mission Community ministerial team together with the Methodist/URC minister leads a full school assembly once a week on a rota.

For more details and website go to:

For a full history click on 'Marwood History'

Recent Events Harvest 2024

St Michael & All Angels was beautifully decorated for their recent Harvest Service, thanks to all who decorated the Church.
The service was followed by lunch at Marwood Gardens where we were well fed.

Our thanks to the staff for hosting us and feeding us well.



For current services see Calendar

Regular Pattern of services

1st Sunday - 9.30am - Morning Worship

2nd Sunday - 9.30am - Holy Communion (Common Worship)

3rd Sunday - Variable (frequently a joint service with Marwood Methodist Church) - Check Calendar for up to date information

4th Sunday - 4.00pm during GMT times and 6.00pm during BST times - Evening Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)

5th Sunday - 10.30am Benefice service rotating through Heanton, Marwood and West Down


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